Sunday, May 23, 2010

Things are going. I know I haven't written in awhile. We are just trying to keep our heads above water. I have 2 papers to finish for school and I will have completed 22 units toward my degrees. I will be graduating next May :D

This summer, I haven't been able to find a job, so I will be playing DDR to try to lose weight to become happy with my figure again, practice clarinet to become a better player, and finally getting our apartment in order. It seems every time I make some progress, something comes up like school...

Chris has gotten a job! He just has to turn in the paperwork and he will be a tutor with Club Z. They tutor for more upper class families in the area. He will also be trying to sub for Fresno County for the following school year. He is studying to take the GRE soon so we can figure out where we might end up relocating to in a year. Our list is: Stanford, Oregon State, University of Oregon, Arizona State University, & UCLA.

Tuesday-Friday of this week, we'll be in Bakersfield since Matthew & Shelly will be coming down from Utah. We're even going to Disneyland with them on Wednesday! So freakin' excited :D


Anonymous said...

Yay for Chris and a job!! It's scary how little prospects there are.

Chris and Clara Divelbiss said...

It's not much by any means, but it is something. What worries us is that she was supposed to get back to him a week ago as to when to turn in paperwork and still nothing...